Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Status of Faking It

I really don't have much to report these days. School is keeping me extremely busy and I haven't had much time to do anything other than an occasional crit.

I'm glad to report that I just sent out another partial for FAKING IT. Current count stands at one full and three partials out. Truth be told, the waiting and not knowing is KILLING me. (g) Oh well, I'm trying not to think about it when at all possible.

Things are going well with BTPM -- everything should be pulled completely together by this weekend.

I'm upset to report that soon all writing endeavors will have to take a serious backseat to schoolwork. I have finals looming in less than _four_ weeks. GAK! I also need to doubletime it with my research paper for my copyright seminar. Double Gak! (Although, this week was our last meeting -- so I'm still celebrating that. Don't get me wrong -- loved the class, but free time is _wonderful_ and hard to come by these days. It will save me two hours of class time, not to mention 2-3 hours of prep time. That's a lot of time, people! (g))

Other than that, I'm sad to say I have nothing much to report. Ohh! Ruby Luebe is doing okay. She's back at home and is sort of maintaining her prior level of alertness and activity, etc. She's celebrating her 80th birthday in May, so we look forward to that. My nutty sister is actually flying in for the event. LOL. That'll probably be a good time to slip her a copy of BTPM -- yup, best to get her when she can't get away. (g)

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