Monday, July 6, 2009

Back And Exhausted

I've actually been back since Friday. It's just that life hasn't slowed down since then. I feel like I could sleep for a week, but there's No Time for such things! Must write. Must post this month's exercise at the forum. Must do a bazillion things that do not involve pillows and blankets...and ack.. yeah, NEED SLEEP.

Hope everyone is doing well! If you haven't entered my win a B&N gift certificate for doing absolutely nothing, and just because I want to celebrate books contest, then what are you waiting for?? :) Seriously, leave your name in the comments and get tossed into the drawing. If you can answer some of the questions -- BONUS. :)

Okay, Must Write.

1 comment:

Deniz Bevan said...

I hope you're able to login to the forum to post the X - but what if we can't login to participate? I sat down to reply to a few messages tonight and have been locked out for hours - from the regular version, the netscape version; I can't find it in AOL; and clicking on email notification links doesn't do it either - waa!