Sunday, September 6, 2009

Denver's Almost Here!

I leave for Denver on Thursday! I can't wait to see all the Gnomies again!

I'll admit to still being extremely nervous. It's my first conference ever and I have that scheduled crit with Kristin Nelson. BAH. I'm very, very skerred. And excited. :)

That said, I'm still pounding the keys -- have to get this draft of FI as close to completion as possible. It's getting there. Honest. Every day it looks more and more like an actual book. It's so thrilling to see the end in sight. That said, I can't let up.

I have a ton of things to do this week in preparation, not the least of which is reading all the other submissions for KN's crit circle. I've been a bit of a slacker, but I must get to those soon. I'm also trying to figure out what goodies to bring to the conference -- we're doing a cookie exhange. I think I'm going for sugar free cheesecakes. I know, I'm cheating. But cheesecake is my favorite thing in the world, and they'd be bite-sized like cookies. (g) And total yum!

Still not listening to any books...have cheated a little on paper books. I read the HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins a while back, have started Book 7 (you know the one), and have dipped a toe into THE DEMON'S LEXICON by Sarah Rees Brennan. All of them I have enjoyed and/or am enjoying _a great deal_. But I'm trying to limit reading. It's a very, very difficult thing to do. Especially when the sequel to HUNGER GAMES just came out!!!! Ack.

Anyway, just thought I'd pop on for a minute. I have the next two days off and plan to get a lot of work under my belt.



Tara Parker said...

The sequel to HG is out? Damn. Thought I had that on my alert system.

Deniz Bevan said...

Good luck Jen! I can't wait to see F1 in all its revised glory - d'you think you should mention to Kristin Nelson how many fans the book has already got? {w}
But... but... didn't you take at least a day off to read the 848 page book? :-)

Deniz Bevan said...

Oh, and I still owe you comments on Westerfeld... Part of the problem is I'm still trying to figure why I don't enjoy his writing style, even though the story was interesting and kept me hooked right up to the end (and of course now I have to read the next few books - what a cliffhanger ending!). Not sure what the problem is yet...

Jennifer Hendren said...


I'm fairly certain it is, but don't hold me to that! LOL. I could've sworn someone mentioned they were reading it. But perhaps it was an arc or something.


Jennifer Hendren said...


Hehe... If it'll make any difference at all, I prolly should mention it. ;)

And no, no day off for that. You'll probably have the book bought and read--twice--before I even get back to it again. I'm through the first section, which is rather short, and don't forsee much time to read in the next couple of weeks. Travesty that _I_ have it when I can't even get to it! LOL.


P.S. Hmm about Westerfeld. Uglies had me from word one -- and that dang series didn't let me go until I finally read book 4. I hesitated for a long time because they switch main characters, but I'm SO glad I finally plowed my way through it. Do yourself a favor -- read them all. :) Twice.

Jennifer Hendren said...

Tara -- YES, it is out. CRAP! LOL.
